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More example sentences. ‘ accommodation to a separate political entity was not possible’. adjustment, adaptation, attunement, fitting in, habituation, acclimatization, acclimation, acculturation, inurement, hardening, seasoning, conditioning, familiarization, d) A total of # contractual support staff (accommodation, office and workspace for the services of support contractors MultiUn Poor staff accommodation , especially in rural areas; Accommodationist definition, a person who finds it expedient to adapt to the opinions or behavior of the majority of people, especially as a means of economic or political survival. See more.

Accommodation meaning svenska

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the lens and pupil, for focusing on objects at various distances. noun. 4. 0. The definition of an accommodation is something that fulfills a particular need. 1. A hotel, motel and inn are each an example of an accommodation for travelers.


accommodation definition in English dictionary, accommodation meaning, synonyms, see also 'accommodation address',accommodation bill',accommodation ladder',accommodation platform'. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary accommodation (även: dwelling, habitation, home, lodgement, place, lodges) accommodation (även: adjustment, arrangement, convention, deal, settlement) Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 338/97 of 9 December 1996 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein (3 ) requires evidence of the availability of adequate facilities for the accomodation and care of live specimens of a great many species before their importation into the Community is authorised; whereas that Regulation prohibits the display to the Engelska. Svenska.

Accommodation meaning svenska

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Accommodation meaning svenska

The Swedish Public Employment Service. Kommentar: needs assessment / means test (financial) resident (person), accommodation/housing. (bostad). SCI Madrid is not responsible for providing accommodation. It will be a salary that will cover their accommodation, food, and transport; meaning that volunteers  Stadshotellen är historiska kännetecken för många svenska städer, och uppstod i slutet av Flera stadshotell ingår i First Hotels, som 1993 tog över flera av den  The crowning jewel of Redcliffe, Oaks Mon Komo – meaning 'My Dream Place' – sets the standard for stylish, self-contained accommodation in this popular  Reindeer, Sámi culture and food in Jukkasjarvi, Kiruna, Swedish Lapland. Go reindeer sledding, taste local food and get impressed by Sámi arts and crafts.

Accommodation meaning svenska

accommodation. noun /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/.
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The act of accommodation - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. Accommodation definition, the act of accommodating; state or process of being accommodated; adaptation. See more.

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Kommentar: needs assessment / means test (financial) resident (person), accommodation/housing. (bostad). SCI Madrid is not responsible for providing accommodation.

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• In American English, accommodation is often used as a plural noun in meaning 1: The price includes meals and accommodations. • In meaning 2, accommodation is often used as a singular noun: They reached an accommodation. 말뭉치의 용례 accommodation • Accommodations must be made for students with learning disabilities. Meaning of Accommodation Bill: As contrasted with the Trade Bill, Accommodation Bills are drawn and accepted with no consideration passed or received. The Bill, which is drawn just to oblige a friend, who is in need of money, of course without any trading activities, with sole intention of raising funds required for ready cash is known as Accommodation Bill. An accommodation was reached through the good offices of the presidency, and as a result there is now political agreement between all the Member States. Gracias precisamente a la intervención de la Presidencia se ha encontrado un arreglo en virtud del cual hoy hay un acuerdo político entre todos los países miembros.