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Job Enrichment is defined as a motivational tool, used by the management in which the range of activities performed by a single job is increased to make it better than before. Job Enlargement vs Job Enrichment The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is quality and quantity. Job enrichment means improvement, or an increase with the help of upgrading and development, whereas job enlargement means to add more duties, and an increased workload. Job enlargement is a method of planning the job in which the task is relating to a single position and increasing role as well, whereas job enrichment is a method that is using to motivate the workers by adding more responsibilities in the situations. The difference between job enlargement and job enrichment is that job enlargement is a job design technique while job enrichment is a management tool.

Job enrichment vs job enlargement

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Another difference between the two is that job enlargement restructures a job using horizontal expansion while job enrichment uses vertical expansion. 4.7/5 (1,302 Views. 31 Votes) Job enrichment means improvement, or an increase with the help of upgrading and development, whereas job enlargement means to add more duties, and an increased workload. Job enlargement and job enrichment are both useful for motivating workers to perform their tasks enthusiastically.

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Job enrichment vs job enlargement

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Job enrichment vs job enlargement

The main difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment is that Job Enlargement is a method of supporting different tasks and more duties to the work of the worker, whereas Job Enrichment is a method of increasing the responsibilities and challenges of the work of the workers. 2020-04-23 2020-02-25 2017-02-23 2020-03-09 2021-02-25 JOB ENLARGEMENT TECHNIQUES Job Enlargement is the horizontal expansion of a job.It involves the addition of tasks at the same level of skill and responsibility. It is done to keep workers from getting bored. Examples: Small companies may not have as many opportunities for promotions, so they try to motivate employees through job enlargement."Job enlargement refers to adding a few more task Posted: (2 days ago) Job Enlargement vs Job Enrichment The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is quality and quantity.

Job enrichment vs job enlargement

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Job Enrichment Job Enlargement 1. Job loading Job enrichment involves vertical loading of functions and responsibilities of the employee . Job enlargement involves a horizontal loading or expansion of job . 2. Purpose The purpose of job enrichment is to make the job more lively, challenging and satisfying.

Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities generally within the same level and periphery.
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Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement. The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is essentially of quantity and quality.

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Job enlargement is a technique of job design. A job design strategy in which the number of tasks performed by a single job is increased is known as Job Enlargement. Job Enrichment is defined as a motivational tool, used by the management in which the range of activities performed by a single job is increased to make it better than before. Job Enlargement vs Job Enrichment The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is quality and quantity. Job enrichment means improvement, or an increase with the help of upgrading and development, whereas job enlargement means to add more duties, and an increased workload. Job enlargement is a method of planning the job in which the task is relating to a single position and increasing role as well, whereas job enrichment is a method that is using to motivate the workers by adding more responsibilities in the situations.